My R package calmr is now on CRAN

It’s official

After a speedy review, calmr (Canonical Associative Learning Models and their Representations) has made it to CRAN.

That means you can install it using base R (no messing around with devtools and GitHub) via:


It doesn’t get more official than that!

In the immediate future, I will be preparing teaching materials for those interested in using the package for their animal learning classes. Also, a vignette demonstrating more advanced uses of the package (e.g., for representational similarity analysis).

In the middle future, I will be adding a few more models. In priority order;

  • The (AE)SOP model (Wagner & Brandon, 1989).
  • The original “Pearce” model (for those who like configural cues; Pearce 1987).
  • The TD model, as described in Sutton & Barto (2004).

What happened to the app?

The calmr app is now a separate package. You will have to install the package from GitHub to launch the shiny app. You can always check the only app at